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October 16, 2003

Eric: The Lost Documents, part IV 

Grade: 11
Subject: German 2
Description: Yet another skit from German class. One year later, my developing German skills had opened up whole new worlds of terrible dialogue.

Eric: Hello! How do you keep fit?

Andrew: I swim, I play football, and I job at 3 o'clock four times a week.

Eric: That is fantastic!

Andrew: Let's eat! What would you like to eat? You surely eat toast!

Eric: No! I am allergic to toast. Do you eat cucumbers?

Andrew: No, cucumbers are fattening. ["What?" -- Eric 2003]

Eric: Let's eat then our lunch. What will we eat?

Andrew: There is meat with sauce ["That's the vaguest entree description I ever heard. He's clearly hiding something. Don't do it, Eric 2000!" -- Eric 2003]. Perhaps let's eat also noodles.

Eric: Wonderful! What did you eat for breakfast?

Andrew: I ate breakfast flakes and an egg. And you?

Eric: I ate nothing, but I drank orange juice and coffee.

Andrew: Enjoy your meal!

Eric: Thank you, same to you!

Andrew: Can you please pass the potatoes? ["They have potatoes?" -- Eric 2003]

Eric: I am sorry, the potatoes are gone. ["Oh." -- Eric 2003]

Andrew: It doesn't matter! Can I have some more pepper?

Eric: Yes. Great!

Andrew: OUCH!

Eric: What hurts?

Andrew: I have a headache!

Eric: Would you like a pain killer?

Andrew: Yes! I love pain killers. They are my favorite tablets.

Eric: That is great! How do you feel now? Do you feel better?

Andrew: No, but it doesn't matter.

Eric: Get well soon!

Andrew: How do YOU feel?

Eric: Not so good. I broke my leg. ["Just now?" -- Eric 2003]

Andrew: How did it happen?

Eric: I fell on the ice. What should I do?

Andrew: I can make an appointment.

Eric: No, I don't need a doctor.

Andrew: On the contrary! You have sprained your leg!

Eric: No, I BROKE my leg.

Andrew: Yes, yes. I don't believe you. Let's go to the movies.

Eric: Great!

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