
less charming and more strange than your average blog

December 02, 2003

The gods have spoken 

The most amazing thing happened to me yesterday, the kind of thing that makes you think that someone out there is watching out for you (like God, not like the benevolent stalker from Mary Pickford's Daddy Long Legs).

Laura and I went up to Nick's building to visit him and there were a bunch of free screening passes available in the hallway, courtesy of the RA or something. There were a few passes to see Big Fish, which I had already gotten ahold of, but then I saw them:


Yes, there were Honey passes, and they were glorious. I grabbed several of them, and Laura said in a strange voice, "You're not really going to see that, are you?" I told her excitedly that of course I was going to! I also invited her to be my Honey date. People, she didn't even crack a smile. She was like, "NO." But I-- "HELL NO. And if you go see that movie, I will lose respect for you."

So, I'm still looking for a date to go see Honey with me. Does anyone out there appreciate the art of a truly awful movie and want to go with me? No, that's okay. I'll go to the screening...ON MY OWN TERMS.

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