
less charming and more strange than your average blog

December 10, 2003

What's in a "Milkshake"? 

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one confused by this song. It didn't even occur to me to be confused at first, because it can now just be assumed that any song you hear on the radio is about something unspeakably filthy, but I'm actually stumped when it comes to "Milkshake."

I haven't laughed this hard since Pamie's poop boobs. And once again, I'm in the health sciences library and receiving glares of hatred from intellectuals in response to my uncontrollable fits of giggling.

I think the music industry has run out of normal things to sexualize beyond recognition, and now they're forced to try and convince us that weirder and weirder stuff is sexy. Have we actually arrived at breast milk now? And, I mean, I know this was a million years ago and not even Sisqo cares about Sisqo's music now, but remember in "The Thong Song" when he sings, "She's got dumps like a truck...truck, truck..."? So...what does that mean? She's built like a truck? Trucks don't even have legs. Is Sisqo attracted to women with no legs? Because they can't run away? Or perhaps women with tires? Is Sisqo attracted to Rosie from The Jetsons? And then...she takes huge dumps? Like poop? Is poop "hot" now? I'm so out of touch with my generation. I need to watch more MTV.

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