
less charming and more strange than your average blog

January 06, 2004

Ugly on the outside 

Okay, so I'm looking at the new Entertainment Weekly. The one with Naomi Watts, Jennifer Connelly, and Charlize Theron on the cover. The article is about the physical transformations they underwent to get "into" their roles. And whoever wrote this article doesn't seem to get that it's about more than just "looking terrible = Oscar gold." Here are some quotes:

"So you want to win a Best Actress Oscar? Here's a tip: Get ugly."

"First things first: Here are some photographs I found of each of you in character from your current films. So, who's the ugliest?"

"These roles won't get you Revlon contracts, though."

"Speaking of which, all three of you do nude scenes in these movies. Is that scarier to do when you're not looking your best?"

Also, especially with the second quote, it strikes me that Jennifer Connelly didn't get ugly so much as unlikable in House of Sand and Fog. So when the EW interviewer breaks out those pictures and is all, "HOLY SHIT, you're all so hideous!" it seems a bit wrong to me. But also kind of funny. Like, how great would it be if that's how they interviewed someone like Nicole Kidman for Cold Mountain? "So, Nicole. You wore a fat suit to play Ada. How did that make you feel? Ugly? Do you smell Oscar? We do!"

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